Dr ch keerti chowdary MD Dermatologist has special interest in treating paediatric cases with skin and scalp issues very effectively. At Skin First clinic we treat even New born babies. Dr Keerti top dermatologist in Vijayawada treated many children with skin and hair diseases like
Common rashes,
All kinds of Allergies,
Bacterial & Fungal infections,
Atopic Dermatitis,
Papular urticaria,
Cradle cap,
Diaper Dermatitis.
We even treat strawberry nevus ( mole ) using US FDA Approved Lasers in a very safe and effective manner in an infant from the 11 month age onwards.
Doctor’s father is a senior paediatrician with 40 years experience Dr Ch Ashok Chowdary garu practicing at Keerti Children’s hospital, Gannavaram